Spray Applications

PWM Spray Nozzles

Uncertain about which nozzles work best for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control systems? TeeJet has you covered!

Premium Spray Nozzles

Air Induction Turbo TwinJet®

Air Induction Turbo TwinJet®

Dual tapered edge spray tip with air-induction technology. PWM Approved!


AccuPulse® TwinJet®

The first spray tip designed specifically for use with PWM sprayer controls, offering maximum drift control. PWM Approved!


Turbo TeeJet®

A versatile spray tip with excellent performance and pattern quality. PWM Approved!


Turbo TeeJet® Induction

The ultimate drift control spray tip capable of producing <2% driftable fines. PWM Approved!


Turbo TwinJet®

Ideal for fungicide, insecticide, or herbicide applications. PWM Approved!


XR TeeJet®

Reduces drift at lower pressures, better coverage at higher pressures. PWM Approved!